Codevision avr pwm
Codevision avr pwm

So, the 32 values must be called such that they make up the half cycle. Recall that the sine table used is only for half a cycle.

codevision avr pwm

Our frequency is 50Hz – time period is 20ms. Now let’s see why TBL_POINTER_SHIFT is needed to be incremented every 5 interrupts and how we’ve done that. This 16-bit value is then split into two 8-bit values to be assigned to OCR1AH and OCR1AL, thus setting the appropriate duty cycle. This acts as – or rather is – the table pointer and the required value is retrieved off the sine table. Why 5 times? We’ll see that a little later.Īfter TBL_POINTER_NEW is shifted 11 times, DUTY_CYCLE is assigned the resultant 5-bit value. Now, the trend is that TBL_POINTER_SHIFTholds the same value for 5 consecutive interrupts – go on, you can do the math. When the microcontroller starts up, TBL_POINTER_SHIFTholds 0 and on subsequent interrupts, TBL_POINTER_SHIFTholds 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3 …. Right shifting 11 times is the same as dividing by 2 11 (2 11 = 2048) – just more efficient. TBL_POINTER_SHIFT right-shifts TBL_POINTER_NEW eleven times and stores that value. At the 160 thinterrupt, TBL_POINTER_NEWoverflows, just as it does the 320 th interrupt, the 480 thinterrupt and so on. At each interrupt TBL_POINTER_NEW is increased by 410.

codevision avr pwm

So, at the next interrupt, TBL_POINTER_NEWoverflows and holds 64. After 159 interrupts, TBL_POINTER_NEW holds 65190. So, after the first interrupt it holds 410, after the second interrupt 820, after the third 1230 and so on.

codevision avr pwm

TBL_POINTER_NEW is a 16-bit variable and at the beginning of program execution has a value of 0. In the interrupt, the variable TBL_POINTER_NEWis updated – every 62.5us it is increased by 410. SET_FREQ determines the output frequency of the sine wave, which in our case here is 50Hz. OCR2 =(unsigned char) x + ( ( 256 - x ) * 0.In the main() function, I had assigned the value of 410 to SET_FREQ.

codevision avr pwm

TCNT2=x //reload this value at each overflow

Codevision avr pwm