How big to make a rhinestone template on a shirt
How big to make a rhinestone template on a shirt

how big to make a rhinestone template on a shirt

You can choose from three options for your drill points – you can specify the number of points, the distance between points, or choose to place a point on each node of the graphic. This tool allows you to place engraving points directly along the lines of your vector-based graphic. Once the job is set up, select the design’s outlines and create a tool path using the Drill Contour option. For this example, we used a beach scene graphic you can design a graphic directly in Vision Pro software or import graphics from many other programs, such as CorelDraw. The first step is to set up your job in Vision Pro software to create a template for the design. For the template, we used standard engraving plastic Finally, we purchased a plain black canvas tote bag, as well as a flat pad-style brush to brush the stones into place on our template. You can also purchase transfer tape (to move the stones from the template to the fabric) from craft stores or online retailers. We used Swarovski clear crystal hot-fix rhinestones in size 10 ss (approximately 2.9 mm in diameter) for our project.

how big to make a rhinestone template on a shirt

Be sure to purchase the hot-fix, not the flat, rhinestones for your project the hot-fix stones come with a heat-seal material on the back that fuses them onto fabric. Hot-fix rhinestones are available in a wide range of colors and sizes from craft stores and many online retailers.

how big to make a rhinestone template on a shirt

Using Vision Pro software, a Vision VE810 (or larger) engraver, and a heat press, you can get in on this popular and profitable fashion trend Did you know that you can create rhinestone designs for fabric using your rotary Vision engraver? By creating a simple engraved template, you can add hot-fix rhinestones to t-shirts, jeans, bags, hats, and much more.

How big to make a rhinestone template on a shirt